245U & 945U-E - V2.33 Firmware upgrade to rectify TLS/SSL webpage incompatability issue.

245U & 945U-E - V2.33 Firmware upgrade to rectify TLS/SSL webpage incompatability issue.

245U & 945U-E - V2.33 Firmware upgrade to rectify TLS/SSL webpage incompatability issue.
In late February 2022 Google Chrome, and Firefox and subsequently any browsers that uses the Chrome engine updated their browsers to require TLS/SSL v1.2 or newer for HTTPS connections to web pages.
If the device serving the web pages security was older or not compatible with V1.2 the browser application would not allow connection.
Previously there was a warning within the browser which the user could accept and then could continue on and connect to the device.
The 245/945U products used TLS/SSL 1.1 therefore this recent change results in not being able to connect the web page using these browsers.
To resolve this issue the internal web page security TLS/SSL version has been updated to v1.3, new self-signed certificates are installed and it also has the facility for the user to upload their own certificates if required.

The upgrade process is done using patch files via thew web page and is version specific i.e., upgrade must be made from a particular version to another version.

eg. “firmware_elpro_1.0.39_2.22_p4” will patch from v1.0.39 to v2.22, “firmware_elpro_2.22_2.31_p1” will patch from v2.22 to v2.31
The procedure in the attachment below outline the upgrade process and you will need to also download some or all of the zipped patch files.

The version upgrade path is indicated in the table below .

Starting Firmware Version

End patched version


v1.0.39, v2.0, v2.13, v2.16, v2.18



v2.2, v2.25, v2.27, v2.28



v2.31, v2.32



To get to the final v2.33 version it may require more than one patch to be applied.

Firstly, we need to determine the starting firmware in the modem. You can find on the main web page of the modems

The attachments below are
1. Patch upgrade procedure (pdf).
2. File containing patch files to version 2.22 (Zip)
3. File containing patch files to version 2.31 (Zip)
3. File containing patch files to version 2.33 (Zip)